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首先, 你最棘手的问题就是确定自己学习的方向. 下面Assignment100英国Music Essay代写专家先来帮助你整理一些音乐相关方面及对应学校推荐的List!

音乐表演的专业主要是关于声乐和乐器演奏的表演. 音乐表演专业的院校向大家推荐以下谢菲尔德大学, 伯明翰大学, 英国皇家音乐学院.

音乐管理专业如今更侧重于商业化. 你可以从中学到更多的管理的知识. 以下是有关管理方面推荐的学院: 谢菲尔德大学, 利兹大学, 威斯敏斯特大学.

作曲类需要你拥有天马行空的想象力和联想能力. 同样, 以下的学校供同学们参考: 金斯顿大学, 卡迪夫大学, 英国皇家音乐学院.

提到教育大家肯定会联想到老师. 没错, 音乐教育类专业就是为社会培养音乐教师的专业. 这就更高的要求留学生全方面发展, 推荐学校为伦敦教育学院和金斯顿大学.


1. 涉及范围广
音乐专业在大范围的艺术留学中也是范畴很大的一个. 很多留学生在选择具体专业上来说就会遇到难题. 就像上面提供的几个专业, 只是其中的几个, 还有更多的专业等着你来选择, 比如: 流行音乐专业, 音乐学等.

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为什么找Music Essay代写?

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The Emergence of Musical Canon and The Subsequent Resistance
The decrease in the audience’s connoisseurship and the composers’ musically intelligent became the key to the booming of the musical canon which stereotyped the musicians including Ludwig van Beethoven, which aroused the competition of Johannes Brahms, Aaron Copland and John Cage via introducing their respective masterpieces in the nineteenth century.    
It was a common phenomenon in the nineteenth century that both the appreciation level of the audience and the creation ability of the composers decreased sharply. In the words of J. Peter Burkholder, “the new mass audience was more hostile to connoisseurship, and there was little in the music of virtuoso composer-performers to engage the attention of the musically intelligent. In reaction, more serious musicians turned back to Beethoven, Mozart, and Haydn” (117). Burkholder claimed two factors which led to the emergence of the musical canon in the nineteenth century in his article. One was the enlargement of audience who listened to the new mass-market music, including both connoisseurs and those who lack connoisseurship. Due to the participation of some uneducated concert audience and some polished pieces short on brains popularized among the audience in the nineteenth century, some works of old masters were considered to be the “Bible” in music. Those masterpieces can be understood and enjoyed effortlessly by those with the limit of connoisseurship. The other was the narrowing of scope of the virtuoso composer-performers who devoted themselves to the creation with their musical intelligent in the nineteenth century. At that time, the mainstream music market was filled with the excellent but not-difficult-to-understand music works. Those musicians who did well in style and polish turned back to several typical representatives of serious music and created the concept of “masters” and “masterpieces” to limit the boundary of the musical canon in the nineteenth century. 

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